Top 5 Tips For A Gluten-Free Diet

June 29 2016

By MealEasy in Blog


Do you have gluten sensitivity? You’re not alone. Statistically speaking, nearly 18 million Americans are allergic to gluten. In addition to gluten sensitivity, many individuals have adopted a gluten-free dietary routine because of its health benefits.

Needless to say, a gluten-free diet has become a popular trend today. The demand for gluten-free foods is surging substantially. According to Statista, the market is projected to be valued at $23.9 billion by 2020.

In addition to gluten intolerance, many individuals have adopted a gluten-free dietary routine because of its health benefits.

But is this diet really beneficial? Read on to find out …

What is gluten?

FlorTo put it simply, gluten is a special type of protein that is present in certain grains, wheat, rye and barley. Its main purpose is to keep food elasticity intact during the production phase.

Gluten consists of gliadin (a prolam in protein) and gluten in (a glutel in protein). Gluten is harmful for certain individuals due to their body’s inability to digest gluten properly.

Consuming gluten can cause celiac disease. Some symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, change in appetite, bloating or gas, nausea, skin rashes, fatigue and much more.

What comprises a gluten-free diet?

A gluten-free diet excludes the protein gluten. You should avoid consuming foods that contain rye, barley, wheat and triticale.  Focus on fresh fruits and veggies, beans, low-fat dairy, fresh eggs, lean meat and fish.

That being said, sticking to a gluten-free diet can be extremely frustrating. You need to prepare yourself to achieve successful results.

Here are some effective tips to help you limit or take out gluten from your meals:

Always read food labels

When you shop, check out each food item’s label to assess the ingredients used.LAbls

For example, if you want to buy cereal, look for gluten in the list of ingredients.

Some items are labeled gluten-free for your convenience.

Keep yourself informed

Educate yourself in the pros and cons of a gluten-free diet. Start searching for information online.

Plan your meals appropriately

Plan your meals to make your life simpler. Try to keep a stock of ingredients on hand for all three meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner, along with snacks.

As a rule, cook in quantities and store carefully. If you have leftovers, freeze them.

Vary your diet

Add variety to your diet. Mix things up. Otherwise, you may get sick of a gluten-free diet quickly.

Moreover, incorporate an array of gluten-free foods into your diet to obtain essential vitamins and nutrients.

Join MealEasy

Check out the many delicious, healthy gluten-free recipes on MealEasy. With over 900 gluten-free meal ideas, Meal Easy makes gluten-free meals planning simpler and affordable.

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