How Long Does it Take? And How Much Can You Save?

May 01 2014

By MealEasy in Uncategorized

A lot of people claim they don’t have time to make their lunch.

A lot of people think spending $6.50 a day on a sandwich is no big deal.

But what if we told you that making a sandwich for lunch would take you about 3 minutes? Compare that to how much time do you spend in line at the sandwich shop.

And what if you did the math? $6.50 a day for 5 work days a week gives us a total of $32.50 a week, Guess that doesn’t seem like all that much does it? Well, let’s look at how much that would be for a full year. Let’s assume a 48 week work year. That would mean that your $6.50 daily sandwich adds up to a whopping $1560!!! Imagine what you could do with an extra $1560 in your pocket! And that’s just one person! What if your spouse did the same? And what about your kid’s lunches as well? It can quickly add up.

Three minutes to make lunch may seem unrealistic to you but here at MealEasy, we’ve made a new video that demonstrates just how easy and realistic it truly is. Starting with leftover chicken, some mayonnaise, mustard, veggies and bread, you get a delicious chicken salad sandwich in about 3 minutes.

Here’s a link to the video so you can see how simple it is. VIDEO

You’d be foolish not to make your own lunch! It saves time and it saves money!

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