Get the Most from Fresh Garden Goodness

April 03 2013

By MealEasy in Add Flavour, Articles

Fresh herbs add flavourIt’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall in the Southern Hemisphere

These next few months are an exciting time worldwide. The northern hemisphere is sorting and planting seeds, while the southern hemisphere kicks harvest into gear.

Planning to Eat: For those of us who enjoy gardening, it’s a wonderful cost saving activity, not to mention an inexpensive stress reliever. Planning your indoor or outdoor garden can be a fun, family activity that teaches young children the important connection between health, the environment and food.

Fall in Love with Better Food: Harvest time is a fun time to experiment with new ingredients and try new dishes. There may be certain ingredients that you’re not fond of, so give MealEasy a try. MealEasy offers a quick and easy feature to select foods to avoid so you never have to see a recipe with ingredients you don’t like. Your taste buds will thank you!

Plant a lifetime of good food
Not sure what to plant? Make it a family project and have fun together! Take a trip to the library and select books on gardening for your climate. It’s never too early to plan a garden – no matter what season it is where you live.

Fresh Picks: Choosing what to grow depends on how much space and light you have for the plants. Always consider which plants you will use for cooking and eating. Most people enjoy adding fresh herbs to salads and soups, and the small amount of space that’s needed for herbs pots, means anyone can grow and enjoy fresh herbs.

Start an indoor herb garden and use them to add flavor to dishes rather than using dried herbs. All you need is a pot, soil, sunlight and water. Instant flavor!

Try it, You might Like it! MealEasy provides recipes that are Chef-designed and family tested. We never promote or profile recipes that we would not prepare and enjoy with our own families. Adding a hint of “fresh” is a great way to try new foods and include healthy eating in your day.

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