Archive for the ‘Health & Wellness’ Category
3 Things You Need to Know Before Going Gluten-Free
April 29 2016
With 30 percent Americans going gluten-free, more people than ever are now cooking and eating gluten-free foods. The trend is in part due to the rise of gluten-related health concerns, which has caused people to switch to a gluten-free diet to avoid the detrimental effects gluten can cause . Continue reading
Reasons Why Gluten is Bad for ‘Some’ People
April 14 2016
Excessive amounts of grains is typically considered to have adverse effects on ones health. This is mainly because grains like wheat, rye, and barley contain certain amount of gluten that can potentially be damaging to your health. Continue reading
The Benefits of Being Vegetarian- They Might Make You Go Green!
March 25 2016
Vegetarianism is increasingly replacing traditional eating choices. While some of us seek to live healthier and live longer, others opt for eating choices that preserve the environment. Continue reading
You Don’t Have To Spend Lavishly To Eat Well! Follow These Secrets to Spend Less at the Grocery Store
January 17 2016
Do you know that on average, Americans throw out more than 25% of the food they prepare? Following healthy balanced meal plans together with avoiding food wastage is the first and the simplest step to saving money on your grocery bills. By doing so you’ll do a better job at utilizing leftovers, while learning what to do with food that is past its peak, and most of all, you’ll be more organized.
Here are a few tips from the experts at MealEasy to spend less and eat well:
It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way
April 29 2015
Choosing and preparing our food is a dreaded chore many of us face every day, as one of life’s grueling realities. Instinctively we choose the path of least resistance that leads to the alternative based on convenience, rather than on value.
…but it doesn’t have to be that way.
It can actually be incredibly simple when you plan ahead. Planning ahead means a predictable and a stress free way of providing healthy food in the simplest possible way.
How so… well, consider this:
Firstly, you want to know that the food you and your family will eat is healthy and also pleasing to your taste buds. Accordingly, if you have a meal plan you can select a specific plan that will only provide you with meals that are based on your personal preference. This should be one of the key features of the meal plan.
Next is shopping for your groceries. This is an easy step if you have a shopping list of ingredients that you will need; no guessing and wandering through the aisles of the store. The key here is to verify your list against the groceries you already have on hand, take a quick inventory before you go to the grocery store, so that you only buy what you absolutely need.
What comes next is the actual meal preparation. Making your own is the only way to ensure you have control over the food you eat. You know what goes into your food, you know who handles it and you save a ton money, as you don’t need to pay others for preparing it.
That feels good! Now you know that the food you prepare is good for you, you don’t get stressed out anymore and here is the kicker: you can take a vacation out of money you have saved by preparing your own meals.
Most MealEasy meals are based on short preparation time and remember, the more you do, the better you get at making your own. It’s fun not only making, but also tasting the flavours of the food you have prepared yourself and that everyone will appreciate and love you for.
Life is good!
Losing Weight Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated
November 28 2014
In recent years, many theories have been devised on how to lose weight, and along the way it seems there’s been one fad “diet” after the other. At MealEasy we’ve maintained our philosophy that losing weight is and has alway been a simple concept. It is and has always been about calories in vs calories out.
A new article confirms this once again:
Naveed Sattar, a professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow states “In general, if you cut calories, you lose weight,” says Sattar. “A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that, no matter what the diet, you’ll lose weight.”
The article touches on other subjects as well, though this particular quote is worth noting, in our quest to maintain our weight on an ongoing basis.
So what really is “calories in” vs “calories out”? The “calories in” is what we eat, and “calories out” is what we do to burn calories. If we eat too many calories and have a sedentary lifestyle, calories go up, and our weight goes up along with it. But if we eat less calories and burn more calories by being more physically active, we start winning our war weight.
It really is that simple and what we advocate with our weight loss meal plan. As an added bonus, if you focus on “quality” calories from whole food ingredients, your body will love you for it.
Are we better off today?
November 06 2014
It’s almost the year 2015 and are we better off today? Are we healthier today than we were a year ago? Have we even tried? Perhaps we have “made resolutions in January and forgotten by March”?
How would anyone even know where to begin? What should our priority be in our pursuit of better health and wellness? Two major components:
- The food we eat
- Physical fitness
…But then what comes first? The food or physical fitness?
Well, unequivocally and without a doubt food comes first.
Mindless eating (i.e. eating anything that comes our way that is convenient, or we have a craving for) is the culprit. Think about it… “Eating anything that is convenient or we have craving for”! Yes, that is what we do that ultimately leads to wrong food choices.
Now, let’s look at the sensible way to eat:
- Choose the kind of food you should be eating i.e. diet type, calories, etc.
- Balance your diet over several days.
- Make your own. It’s the only way to control what goes in your food.
This is easy if you have a plan.
For the last 10 years and for the reasons outlined above, we have designed and perfected the most unique and useful guide to healthy eating. It’s what the MealEasy® online meal planner is all about. A guide to a common sense stress free life, in pursuit of a better healthier and happier existence.
The road to good heart health
January 29 2014
Good health starts with the right food choices, deciding what to eat and more importantly what not to eat.
Fad diets come and go but a whole food diet and active lifestyles never go out of fashion. Yes –you have heard all this before but somehow the message gets lost in translation.
Too often people are too stressed and have too little time to make the right food choices. Instead, they turn to packaged foods high in processed sugars (high-fructose corn syrup) and fats (trans-fats), and filled with chemical preservatives and artificial colors and flavors to curb their cravings.
The price paid for the convenience of their ready-to-eat, shelf-stable food is in the quality of their health and well-being. The advent of the industrialized food industry has mapped closely with the emergence of many chronic auto-immune, inflammatory and neuropsychiatric diseases in the developed world. Myriad problems including diabetes, obesity, and thyroid disease have been linked to the toxic effects of the industrialization of our food supply.
But we can choose to be pro-active in shaping our health through our lifestyle and life choices. Good health, vitality, a sharp mind and strong body all start with our fork.
Using a meal planning tool such as the MealEasy system which focuses on lean meats, whole foods and healthy fats like omega-3 can help you find a way to reduce your stress and the stress you are putting on your health.
What You Need to Know About Antioxidants & Free Radicals
September 11 2013
What are Free Radicals and why should I care?
Free radicals are known for terrorizing our body’s immune system. They attack the nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. When the “attacked” molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body’s immune system’s cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Continue reading
The Scoop on Salt
August 22 2013
A diet high in salt is a major cause of heart disease and stroke. Increased blood pressure causes an estimated two thirds of all heart attacks around the world. The average person consumes about 4000mg of salt a day – that’s over 1 1/2 times the recommended amount of 1500mg, which is roughly 2/3 teaspoon.
What can you do to lower your sodium intake? It’s easy, eat at home. Studies have shown that 77% of sodium comes from processed foods and food eaten outside of the home.
To help reduce added, unnecessary salt:
* Cut down on prepared and processed foods
* Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit
* Reduce the amount of salt you add while cooking or baking
* Prepare your own meals at home Continue reading