Don’t be afraid of fish
April 18 2012
The health benefits of eating fish have been well documented throughout the years by nutrition experts. Most agree that folks should eat a minimum of one portion of fish a week, while many say eating fish at least three times a week has been proven to be extremely beneficial to our overall health. Yet, most North Americans don’t come close to eating fish that often.
Are we afraid of fish? Is it a lack of knowledge of how to cook fish?
There have been two recent articles about fish and fish consumption that have tackled these questions. This article wonders if the reports of the negative health effects of mercury have people scared to even try fish. While this article thinks it might be a simple case of not knowing where to start when it comes to buying and cooking fish. Well, here’s where MealEasy comes in. With over 300 hundred recipes featuring fish as a main ingredient, all with clear and uncomplicated instructions, we take the mystery out of cooking fish. It’s simple to plan healthy meals using MealEasy.
There are no rules when it comes to cooking fish. In fact, there are a few recommendations in the “Afraid of cooking fish?” article which I don’t agree with; I do like to use olive oil when searing fish and, depending on the fish, think some fish are best served rare or thereabouts. But overall these guidelines are worth following. There’s a riddle I like to ask every new cook I meet: “How many chefs does it take to screw in a light bulb?” The answer: “10. One to screw it in the other 9 to say: “That’s not the way I would have done it.”” My point being, there are as many techniques as there are chefs. The best way is to try different methods and see what works best for you.
Cooking is not an exact science so have fun and don’t be intimidated by new ingredients, especially something as healthy as fish.
Weight Loss or Long Life
April 12 2012
Whether it’s about weight loss or living a longer disease free life, there are certain truths that hold: it’s about diet and it’s about exercise.
Two recent articles found here and here both point out essentially the same things. If you want to live a healthy and long life, you need to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and eat healthy and nutritious meals. Now, 30 minutes of exercise a day may sound impossible when you’ve got three kids to get off to school and then feed and help with homework, have to work late because the boss NEEDS this project done ASAP and your partner is busy with his or her chores.
But 30 minutes of exercise a day doesn’t mean you are expected to go out and run 10km. It could be a simple as walking to work. Another recent article I read pointed out that North Americans walk less than any other peoples. Sure, when you have to commute from your home to your office, walking to work just isn’t an option for you. But there are other things you can do: try using the stairs whenever possible; a walk around the mall on rainy days; or, do like I do and ride a bike.
As for diet, it’s really simple. Avoid excess fat, excess calories and excess sodium. How do I do all that you may ask? By planning your meals ahead of time. No more impulse buys at the grocery checkout counter; no more trips to the drive thru; no more fast foods. Now, that’s a bit draconian I know, how about trying to limit all these things and live by the rule: “everything in moderation”. That goes for everything from beer, wine and spirits to desserts. Planning your meals will also help with another important factor when it comes to your longevity…it helps reduce stress. When you know what you’re going to cook for dinner, how long it will take and that you have all the ingredients necessary, it relieves a lot of stress.
Planning Means More Family Time
April 10 2012
I know it’s hard. As a dad to a soon to be four year old, I know how hard it is to find the time to “play, play, play”. But playtime, much like family meal time is very important to the development of children.
For us, winter is especially difficult; I’d much rather spend time outside with my daughter than playing indoors. But sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. Going to the local park or riding our bikes are some of our favourite summer time activities. This latest report states that preschoolers need at least one hour of outdoor play time a day.
So how do we fit this one hour of pay time into our already hectic schedules? By planning. Signing the kids up to after school sports is all good, but you still need to bring them to the playing field or arena. And often, these after school activities start right at 5:30pm or 6pm…when are you supposed to eat dinner? What happens is, a lot of parents end up bringing their kids to the fast food joint.
By planning your meals ahead of time, you can avoid the dreaded fast foods and ensure that your child is eating healthy and nutritious meals. If little Timmy has soccer practice on Monday nights at 6pm, why not plan ahead and make something on Sunday night that can be reheated for a quick dinner on Monday? Or have a staple of homemade frozen meals ready to go.
There are always better alternatives to fast food…all are healthier, all are more nutritious and some are even “faster”. Plan ahead and get outside!
The Latest “Superfood”
April 04 2012
I must confess that the most I knew about chia before doing some research were those wonderfully kitschy TV ads from years back selling the ch-ch-ch-chia pet. Turns out that you can eat the seeds! And, get this; they’re really good for you too!
Chia seeds are very high in Omega 3s, as well as an excellent source of protein, fibre and antioxidants. Their very mild flavour means that they can be sprinkled on foods without adding any unwanted taste. Add them to your salad or top your yogurt with them, chia seeds are versatile and healthy. They are also gluten free which is great news for celiac sufferers.
Like many of the supposed “superfoods” that are “discovered” or “rediscovered” every few months, chia seeds are not the answer to all that ails us. Much like quinoa and acai before it, while eating chia seeds can be an excellent source or many essential nutrients, it cannot and should not be your only source.
Therefore, as part of a healthy and nutritiously balanced meal plan, chia seeds can only help enhance your overall health, but they are not a quick way to lose weight.
Great News for Easter
April 02 2012
Last week many news outlets were touting a new report that people who eat chocolate on a regular basis have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who do not.
This is great news the week before Easter. Now we can all eat chocolate without the guilt…bring on the Easter bunnies!
Of course, as with most things, moderation is the key. While studies have espoused for years that red wine is great for your heart, it turns out that any alcohol…and here’s the key “consumed in moderation”, will help lower the risks of heart disease.
And much like red wine or alcohol, too much of a good thing like chocolate might be bad in the long run. Best not to eat a whole Easter bunny in one sitting and that goes for young and old.
When planning meals for Easter weekend, don’t forget to include some wine, some chocolate but also remember your fruit and vegetables. While it’s good to indulge, it’s not so good to over indulge. A nice balance of fruits and vegetables are essential to maintain a healthy you…and of course some chocolate, too.
Check out our Facebook for more tips on eating healthy.
Gas BBQ Check List
March 26 2012
With the incredibly unseasonal high temperatures we’re experiencing in these parts, it got me thinking about setting up the gas BBQ. We’ve so many fabulous grill recipes at MealEasy that I can’t wait to make a few. So last night, I went about getting the grill ready. It’s not simply a case of rolling the BBQ out of the shed; there are certain procedures that need to be followed especially if you haven’t used the grill in a few months.
Cueing up the Q:
• First thing you should do is take it apart and give it a good cleaning. Get rid of any ashes left behind and give the cooking surface a good scrub.
• While you have it apart, carefully inspect the parts for signs of rust. You may need to replace a part or two.
• After sitting over the winter, the Venturi tubes may contain dirt, spider webs, water or other debris. These tubes should be cleaned by using bent pipe cleaners, a very small bottle brush, or a special Venturi brush which can be purchased from your local barbecue dealer.
• Check for any loose nuts and bolts in the assembly as well.
• Check your tank for any damage or excessive rust.
• Next, reassemble the barbecue and check your gas line. The best way to do this is by covering any connections with soapy water to see if bubbles form when the propane tank is opened. If bubbles do appear, check to see if it’s simply a case of tightening some connections or whether it’s a case of a break or a leak. If it’s the latter, turn off your propane and bring it in to be looked at by a professional.
• Assuming you’ve got no leaks in the line and all is clean, it’s time to spark it up. I like to put it on full gas for at least 20 minutes to burn off any residual dirt I may have missed
This may seem like a lot of work, but doing this properly will set you up nicely for the summer months of grilling. I don’t know about you, but our meal plans in the summer consist of lots of grilling.
Breakfast in a hurry
March 21 2012
Like most folks, I usually a bit pressed for time first thing in the morning. But I also agree with the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast sets you on the right path for the rest of the day.
So, what do you do when you’ve got lunches to make, kids to awaken and get dressed and maybe need a little time to read the newspaper in the mornings? Plan ahead! It’s soooo easy to stop off on your way to work and pick up whatever fast food that’s in your path. It’s also not a very wise or healthy thing to do.
So, plan ahead. Around our place, my three year old loves waffles for “breakfixed” as she calls it. I am not about to whip up a batch of waffles every morning and store bought is out of the question. Therefore, I usually make a batch of waffles or pancakes for breakfast on Sunday mornings when I have more time. A batch of waffles means about 12 and with only three of us eating, that leaves quite a few left over. These I freeze and then zap on the weekday mornings for a really fast breakfast. A waffle, some fruit and maybe some yogourt and my daughter is a happy camper.
My wife and daughter also made muffins this weekend and along with some of our home made granola that was made about a month ago, we’re fully stocked for breakfast options. Planning ahead and making foods that can be stored either in the freezer or as dry goods, is the best way to save time when life is too hectic in the mornings. And homemade is always better for you.
Best way to store herbs
March 19 2012
One, or should I say many, of the fresh ingredients that the MealEasy meal planner uses are herbs. While using dried herbs can be substituted sometimes, using fresh herbs is essential in many of our meals. But you can’t buy 1tbsp of fresh parsley in the grocery store or farmer’s market. Therefore, you always end up with some left. One way to ensure that you use up your fresh herbs is to use the MealEasy search feature and schedule meals based on ingredients you may have in the fridge. But often, there are still some fresh herbs left. Leftovers!
The best way to store your fresh herbs for future use is to wash them gently; then dry them carefully and wrap them in a damp paper towel. Then place the wrapped herbs in a plastic bag or container and store lying down. Or, if you’ve got the space, most fresh herbs will last quite a while if you trim the stems and then place the herbs in a glass of water and in the refrigerate. In our kitchen, I always wash and dry any herbs or lettuces before I store them away. I find they’ll both last longer that way.
If your herbs are beginning to go bad, one of the best things you can do is chop them up and then freeze them in an ice cube tray for use in soups or stews.
Fastest Lunch Ever!!!
March 14 2012
What’s the fastest way to get lunch? Leftovers!
What’s the best way to know what you’re eating for lunch is real food and not “pink slime”? Leftovers!
Around our house, I usually make a roast or casserole of some sort for Sunday dinner and then plan on having leftovers for at least 3 lunches during the week. This week, I roasted a 5lbs chicken for Sunday supper along with beets and potatoes and I made sure there were enough left to enjoy for weekday lunches when I’m usually pressed for time.
Another family favourite is quinoa salad. I cook it up to accompany whatever main course I’m making and I make sure to make lots so that I have a healthy vegetarian meal ready for my lunches. Same goes for lasagnas or stews. Why not make extras? It saves time, saves money and it’s the only way you know what you’re eating is healthy…because you made it.
A Simple Approach To Weight Loss
February 23 2012
A new study confirms what some of us already know; if you want to lose weight, eat fewer calories. Of course, it’s not that simple, you must eat healthy calories and not “empty calories” that come from junk food or sugary sweets.
The study found that test subject who reduced their caloric intake were able to shed pounds whether they were following a “high protein”, “low carb” or “low fat” diet. The key is finding a plan that works for you and sticking to it. This article suggests that a diet low in saturated fats, low in cholesterol and high in fibre offers the best solution for weight control.
The MealEasy meal planner allows the user to set their own calorie intake on a per meal basis and with all the meals being low fat, low cholesterol and delicious, this is a simple way to plan and stick to it. The article goes on to say that the biggest stumbling block for most people is: “not being organized. On the weekend, spend a few minutes thinking about the week ahead. Map out your meals, healthy snacks and even your workouts.”
Here’s where MealEasy can help. By choosing a plan that’s right for you, MealEasy makes it incredibly easy to plan a selection of healthy meals. If the planning is easy then sticking to the plan is just as simple when you try the wonderful dishes on offer. And as the system keeps track of all your meals, it’s easy to chart your progress.
Remember the key to weight loss is following a plan and sticking to it.