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Gluten Free Meal Ideas

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

The US now has over 309 million people. Approximately one out of every 133 Americans has Celiac disease and roughly 12% of the population (37 million) suffer from gluten sensitivity.

Most people with gluten sensitivity feel deprived of the foods they love and find it very difficult to maintain a gluten free diet on their own. Many simply don’t know how to meal plan gluten free.

If you are going to have to eat “gluten free” for the rest of your life you may as well enjoy the foods you eat…don’t you think?


YES – You “Can” Eat Well

– You “Can” Enjoy the Delicious Foods You Love

MealEasy Can Show You How!

Meal Plan Gluten Free

Instead of lamenting over foods you can no longer eat, we can help you focus on the many delicious gluten free foods that you “can” eat; foods like seafood, meat, poultry, dairy products and produce (including fresh fruits and vegetables).

MealEasy has a growing menu of over 1500+ nutritious, Healthy Meal Plans including over 785 gluten free meal ideas (and growing).

Make gluten free meal planning part of your lifestyle choice and prepare delicious tasty gluten free meals that are quick and easy to make but taste great!

You’ll not only discover how to eat right and eat healthy, but you’ll also learn how to meal plan gluten free, to make simple, quick and easy gluten free meals that are nutritious, delicious and very satisfying.

MealEasy can; even suggest;

  • Even suggest appropriate wines for each gluten free meal, since wines are also gluten free
  • Help ensure gluten free ingredients are used, including gluten free flours and baking products that can be found in your local grocer’s organic and health food sections

Create a meal plan, gluten free, that is simple, easy to make and affordable.

  • Don’t go hungry
  • Enjoy the foods you eat
  • Maintain a optimal “balanced” health
  • And have more energy

What Is Gluten Free?

The protein gluten is found in certain cereal grains and foods like wheat, barley and rye. Many people with gluten sensitivity develop “celiac disease” where the small intestine cannot properly absorb nutrients because of the damage caused by gluten.

For now, the only effective way to treat celiac disease is to maintain a gluten free diet. The good news is that gluten free meal planning can actually help reverse the damage caused by gluten.

Celiac disease diagnosis, plus public awareness of the importance of a gluten free diet have both increased dramatically in recent years. Consumer demand has helped improve the availability of gluten free foods and the proper labelling of foods that contain gluten.

With MealEasy you can follow a gluten free meal plan on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and print out a list of ingredients as well as a grocery list of naturally gluten free foods.

Where Else Is Gluten Found?

The most common sources of gluten in you diet will be from foods that use wheat, flour and grain products including bread, cookies, pastas and pies. However, many processed foods also use gluten as an added ingredient.

At MealEasy, we understand how difficult it can be to grocery shop for gluten free food products or to prepare healthy homemade meals that are completely gluten free.

That’s why we’ve consulted with professional nutritionists and dietitians to work with our own acclaimed chef to develop over 785 delicious, healthy meals specific to a gluten free diet. We’ve done all the gluten free meal planning for you.

Our gluten free meal planning program offers easy to make gluten free recipes. These great tasting meal plan ideas;

  • Include breakfast, lunch and dinner meals
  • Include entrees, side dishes and desserts
  • Allow you to choose to your own preferences
  • Offer automatic suggestions for main course and side dish pairings
  • Print categorized gluten free grocery lists
  • Include easy step-by-step cooking instructions

Most of our homemade gluten free meals can be ready within 30 minutes!

Ask Us How You Can Meal Plan Gluten Free

To learn more about how to Meal Plan Gluten Free or about MealEasy’s gluten free meal planning program, Email Healthy Meal Planning or call us Toll Free at 1-888-799-MEAL (6325).

Start Your Membership Today!

Sign Up for MealEasy’s

Gluten Free Meal Plan Program

MealEasy Specializes In Quick & Easy to Make

Delicious, Healthy Meal Alternatives Including;

Balanced Meal Plan

Heart-Healthy Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Planning That Makes Perfect Sense

The perfect combination: The easiest way to make gluten free meals, while saving money.
Using MealEasy, you’ll save anywhere from 200% up to 600% by preparing tasty gluten free meals at home
verses eating out or buying convenience foods! That adds up to $100’s of dollars per month!

Use MealEasy to prepare just one delicious gluten free meal per month and you’ll
save enough to pay for the monthly subscription cost of only $7.95

Take Advantage Of Our 30-Day Free Trial!

We”re so confident you’ll love MealEasy that the first month is on us! Sign up today and get a free 30-day trial. If you choose to cancel at any point during your first 30 days, your credit card will not be charged.

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Easy Balanced Meal Plans

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

We live in a very busy time. Maintaining a balanced diet is very important, but not always easy to do in our fast-food, fast-paced society.

Many women (and men) still love to cook but struggle when it comes to planning a balanced meal. This is especially true for diabetics, vegetarians and people on gluten free diets.

Here’s a healthy solution that works…with most balanced meals ready within 30 minutes!

Online Balanced Meal Planner

Try MealEasy’s online Balanced Meal Planner.

Now you can create balanced daily menus or weekly meal plans from over 1500+ (and growing) professionally prepared meals!

With the help of professional dieticians and nutritionists, our acclaimed in-house chef has created an impressive collection of quick and easy meal plans and recipes that are also tasty, well balanced meals designed to help you maintain a healthy diet.

If you, or if anyone in your family has special dietary needs or if you need a balanced meal plan for weight loss, we are confident you will find what you need at MealEasy. Find healthy balanced meal plans for;

  • Low cholesterol meals
  • Low sodium meals
  • Low carb meals
  • Low calorie meals
  • Low fat meals
  • Low sucrose foods

Know What’s in Each Balanced Meal

Explore tasty and exciting dishes while maintaining a healthy balanced diet. Our acclaimed in-house chef has done everything for you, creating mouth-watering balanced meal plans to include only the healthiest foods.

We also want you to know what you are eating. When planning a balanced meal you will find accurate full color photos plus you can;

  • View Nutritional Information
  • View Ingredients List
  • Get Calorie Count Information
  • Print Out a Meal Planner Grocery List (or print individual recipes)
  • Print Out Step-by-Step Instructions for Meal Preparation

MealEasy’s nutritional well balanced meal plans are designed to help you maintain an intake of wholesome, healthy foods on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. But we also want you to enjoy your meals and save time and money when preparing balanced meal recipes that in many cases exceed nutritional standards.

Recommended Daily Values (DV)<

We’ve also consulted the Food and Drug Administration’s recommended Daily Values (DV) to divide servings between your daily meals and snacks to a maximum of 2000 Calories per day (for people of average health and fitness). You maintain control however. All healthy balanced meal plans can be customized and you can adjust portions to your liking.

Ask Us About A Balanced Meal Plan Program

To learn more about Balanced Meal Plans by MealEasy, please Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for MealEasy’s Balanced Meal Plan Program.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans include delicious

Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;

Balanced Meal Plan

Heart-Healthy Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Eat Healthy And Save

Planning ahead with MealEasy will improve your overall health and actually save you money. By making your meals at home you’ll save between 200% and 600% on food costs verses purchasing convenience foods or eating out! Imagine what you could do with the money saved… you could be saving $100’s of dollars each month!

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Quick and Easy Heart Healthy Meals

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

Eat heart healthy meals and avoid becoming ‘just another statistic’…

Heart disease – The Problem That Won’t Stop Beating

Even if you ‘feel fine’, you could be at risk; 65% of fatal heart attack victims showed no previous symptoms.

It’s a sorry statistic, but each year over half a million Americans die from heart disease that could have been avoided. Even at age 45, your risk of heart disease increases dramatically.

Heart Disease Can Be Avoided

By planning heart healthy meals, and eating the correct diet – heart disease can be avoided. Heart Healthy Meal Plans are available right here at MealEasy, and could provide the immunity you need, and deserve.

Eating heart healthy meals can help you to take control of your health and take control of your life.

By making the correct dietary choices you can enjoy a long and happy life, confident that your heart is working to its full potential. Naturally, you don’t want the food you eat to become a full-time hassle – so a heart healthy meal plan is the natural choice!

Over 750 Heart Healthy Meal Recipes

MealEasy’s Chef Paul, has spent almost five years developing nearly 2000 Healthy Meal Plans that anyone can enjoy. 730 of these are heart healthy meal recipes that have been prepared and tested in-house.

MealEasy is the ultimate heart healthy meal planner. The process is simple!

After becoming a member you’ll be able to search our vast database of tasty heart healthy meals, and select your favourites for your personal meal plan. A heart healthy grocery list will be automatically generated, with all ingredients and required amounts listed.

This is a great program for anyone looking for heart healthy meals on a budget.

We’ve even provided step-by-step preparation and cooking instructions for every meal. Heart healthy meal ideas and a long life have never been easier!

The Ingredients of a Healthy Heart

Our heart healthy meals contain the elements that are essential to preventing heart disease, among them:

  • Lots of fruit, vegetables and low fat/fat free choices
  • Foods rich in magnesium, potassium and calcium
  • Meals that avoid excessive sugar and unnatural sweeteners
  • Less sodium!

Reducing the amount of sodium in our heart healthy meals can in turn reduce blood pressure, and greatly decrease the risk of hypertension and heart attacks. We’ve worked tirelessly with numerous healthcare professionals to ensure that our heart healthy meals are designed around this basic concept, a concept that can change your life.

…and here’s more good news!

We’ve not forgotten about taste! Our easy, healthy meal plans are focussed around great tasting and flavourful choices. We want our members to enjoy the food they love while making a genuine difference to their health, happiness and length of life.

MealEasy is proud to have developed a unique heart healthy program with heart healthy meals hat could prevent you from becoming ‘just another statistic’.

Sign Up for Easy Heart Healthy Meals

To learn more about quick and easy heart healthy meals by MealEasy, please Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for MealEasy’s Heart Healthy Meals.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans include delicious

Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;

Balanced Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Heart Healthy Meal Plan

Eat Heart Healthy Meals and Save

Improve your health and save money! Plan ahead, make heart healthy meals at home and save from 200% to 600% on your food costs over eating out or buying food at convenience stores!

Just one heart healthy meal a month will easily pay for your monthly subscription cost of only $7.95. Live healthy…eat healthy.

Take Advantage Of Our 30-Day Free Trial!

We know you’ll love MealEasy. In fact, we’re so confident that the first month is on us! Sign up today and get a free 30-day trial. If you choose to cancel at any point during your first 30 days, your credit card will not be charged. Simple!

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Healthy Vegetarian Meal Ideas

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

Surprise, surprise! It’s tasty!

Discover how vegetarian food can still be tasty!

Cooking is an art, not a science. With a little creativity you can make any food taste good”!

Those are the words of MealEasy’s Chef, Paul.

Being a vegetarian could mean that you are not getting enough of the vital nutrients required to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it all changes if you follow a meal plan. A healthy Vegetarian Meal Plan will allow you to monitor nutrients, calories and balance your intake over several days to ensure you are eating a balanced vegetarian diet.

Thankfully, there are hundreds of tasty vegetarian meal ideas included in the MealEasy meal plan!

Over 500 Vegetarian Meal Ideas!

There are several contributing factors to a great tasting vegetarian meal.

It is assumed that a vegetarian already likes vegetables, but anyone will enjoy vegetarian dishes, especially if a variety of complimenting ingredients are used to prepare the meal.

“Be it seasoning, or having the vegetables cooked just right, many things can make vegetarian food taste great”, says Chef Paul.

Most would think that unless you are a professional cook it may not be that easy coming up with creative and tasty vegetarian meal ideas.

Thankfully, it can be! MealEasy has approximately 500 quick and easy vegetarian meal ideas to choose from …wholesome and healthy meals. Our online vegetarian meal planner will make it easy to cook healthy vegetarian meals for yourself, or the family.

Cheap vegetarian meal ideas can be frustrating to find, especially if you want something cost effective, low carb and easy. With the introduction of healthy vegetarian meal ideas from MealEasy, the options are endless and the benefits are outstanding.

Vegetarian Food That Even Kids Will Love!

Introducing healthy vegetarian meal ideas to your children is now easier than ever. Your life is likely to be busy enough, so spending hours in the kitchen each night just isn’t going to work.

With the vegetarian meal plan from MealEasy you’ll be creating restaurant-quality vegetarian meals for the whole family. Most of our meals are ready in 30 minutes or less, including vegetarian meals that can be frozen, adding extra convenience and time to your day.

Keep your children healthy with our low carb vegetarian meal ideas and recipes that are cheap, easy to make and taste great too! It’s all a part of our aim to utilize Healthy Meal Plans to make our members healthier, happier and live longer – and it doesn’t have to involve meat!

Being a vegetarian is a wise choice, doing it with a meal plan is the ultimate choice!

Sign Up for Access to Tasty Vegetarian Meal Ideas

To learn more about quick and easy vegetarian meal plans, please Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for MealEasy’s Vegetarian Meal Plan Program.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans also include delicious

Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;

Balanced Meal Plan

Heart-Healthy Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

A Vegetarian Meal Plan Unlike Any Other

Vegetarian meals don’t have to be difficult to prepare, or cost a lot of money. MealEasy’s
step-by-step meal planner makes preparing your meals easy with a click of a mouse. Plus, believe it or not,
you actually save from 200% up to an incredible 600% simply by making meals in the comfort of your home,
verses eating out or purchasing convenience food. That’s 100’s of dollars a month back in your own pocket!

Preparing a MealEasy vegetarian meal at home even one time will pay for the monthly subscription price of just $7.95

Take Advantage Of Our 30-Day Free Trial!

You’re going to love MealEasy. In fact, we’re so confident that the first month is on us! Sign up today and get a free 30-day trial. If you choose to cancel at any point during your first 30 days, your credit card will not be charged.

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Better Health with the Diabetic Meal Planner

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

Will it be the pills or healthy, tasty food…?

Can diabetes be reversed with diet?

MealEasy contains a complete online diabetic meal planner; a sensible and logical way to combat diabetes disease.

All medications have side effects. To be more specific, this means that while controlling the specific condition with the medication, other parts of your body are being attacked, compromised or possibly destroyed. Therefore, it is vital to prevent consequences that could be beyond repair.

In the case of Diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes), it has been proven that you can control diabetes or even reverse the disease by following a proper diabetic-friendly diet.

One may say it is easier said than done. Until now!

Diabetic Friendly Diet with Homemade Meals

Our healthy, diabetic meal planner means easy homemade meals that follow a diabetic-friendly diet. Yes, there is an easy and logical way to make it work for you…our diabetic meal planner helps you to ”plan ahead”!

This weekly diabetic meal planner is the key to your success for many reasons:

  • You’ll know ahead of time what you will eat every day
  • You’ll know the diabetic meals are good for you
  • You’ll know the diabetic meals are tasty
  • You’ll know that you have all the ingredients you need to prepare a good, healthy diabetic meal
  • You’ll know what actually goes into your food
  • You’ll know you are saving a lot of money by cooking diabetic meals at home

With the diabetic meal planner…it only takes as little as 15 minutes to prepare your meal!

Over 650 Diabetic Meal Plans

MealEasy is the ultimate online diabetic meal planner!

Our Chef, Paul, has selected, personally timed and prepared every one of the 2000 Healthy Meal Plans offered through our online meal planner (including 650 Diabetic Meal Plans).

You don’t need to download any meal plan software, and can enjoy the benefits of diabetic friendly food from the second you become a member!

No Time for Homemade Meals?

To start with, let’s be honest…finding time is not an issue, it is a matter of priority; not having time is just an excuse to justify wrong choices people make when resorting to convenience or junk food.

Studies have shown that those who take advantage of an online meal planner ultimately make better choices, and enjoy benefits that literally last a lifetime.

If you require a diabetic diet, you’ll be aware of how important it is to pay close attention to what you eat. Our online diabetic meal planner will allow you to enjoy the balanced and tasty food you crave, without being stuck for choice, or unsure of preparation.

We Do The Hard Work For You!

MealEasy’s online diabetic meal planner will give you countless meal ideas, generate your diabetic grocery list and even show you how to prepare from start to finish – often in less than 30 minutes!

Your journey to a diabetic-free life can start today. Now is the time to start planning your diabetic meals. Ask us about our daily diabetic meal planner or weekly diabetic meal planner.

Join us and see the benefits of better health, more energy and a longer life. The time is now – let’s make it last.

Sign Up to Access Our Diabetic Meal Planner

To learn more about easy diabetic meal planner, please Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for MealEasy’s Diabetic Meal Plan Program.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans also include delicious
Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;



Balanced Meal Plan

Heart-Healthy Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Eat Diabetic Meals and Save

Improve your health and save money with the diabetic meal planner! Instead of convenience store food or eating out, plan ahead and make diabetic meals at home – save from 200% to 600% on your food costs!

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Healthy Gluten Free Meal Planning Ideas

April 27 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

Take the gluten out of your diet for good.

Gluten Free Meal Planning Means Stress Free Meals…and a huge weight off your shoulders; life becomes much easier with the MealEasy gluten free meal planner.

It is simple. View delicious gluten free meals for each day of the week; click your mouse and gluten free meal planning is done! Another click and you’ll have a complete gluten free grocery list, as simple as that.

Make Homemade Gluten Free Meals

Gluten free meal preparation is simple with clear and concise instructions. Cooking gluten free meals is a lot of fun, especially when you are organized.  With a gluten free diet one has no choice – homemade food is the only alternative, and a gluten free meal plan is the only logical way to manage it.

Gluten free meal planning ideas – professionally prepared, tested for taste.

Over 785 Gluten Free Meals

MealEasy’s Chef Paul, has personally prepared all 2000 Healthy Meal Plans available through the meal plan, of which 785 are gluten free recipes. Think about it – hundreds of Gluten Free Meal Ideas in one place! Gluten free meal planning has never been easier.

The need for a gluten free diet should not restrict you to food you can’t enjoy. MealEasy contains hundreds of gluten free meal ideas that have been designed with you in mind. You can look forward to restaurant-quality gluten free meals that can be prepared in your own kitchen – often in less than 30 minutes!

Gluten Free Meals That the Whole Family Can Enjoy

MealEasy’s unique meal planning system allows you to set the number of servings your plan will cater for, allowing gluten free meal planning for the entire family. With 785 gluten free meal choices, there is something everyone will enjoy – and gluten free meal recipes that the family can make together.

Your gluten free grocery list will be automatically generated, with each ingredient and the required amount right at your fingertips. The simplicity doesn’t stop there; MealEasy will also give you step-by-step preparation and cooking instructions. Healthy, gluten free meal planning is now easier than ever.

Low Calories, Low Sodium, Low Cholesterol = Low Stress!

The common misconception that gluten free meal ideas are complicated can now be a thing of the past. Feel happier, healthier and retain control of your gluten free diet with our hassle-free, tried and tested meal planning system.

Complications often come from uncertainty about what you can eat and finding choices that are good for you. MealEasy solves these problems, providing gluten free meal ideas that taste delicious and designed with a healthy heart in mind.

We’ve worked tirelessly to build a wide and varied database of gluten free meal ideas that require minimum effort on your part. Click, chop and eat – as simple as that!

Our goal is to guide you towards a healthier and happier life. Gluten free meal planning is a wise choice for a brighter future, and MealEasy is the wise choice to help you get there.

Sign Up for Easy Gluten Free Meals

To learn more about quick and easy gluten free meal planning ideas by MealEasy, please Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for MealEasy’s Gluten Free Meal Plan Program.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans also include delicious

Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;

Balanced Meal Plan

Heart-Healthy Meal Plan

Vegetarian Meal Plan

Gluten Free Meal Plan

Diabetic Meal Plan

Eat Gluten Free Meals and Save

Improve your health, eat gluten free meals and save money! Plan ahead. Gluten free meal planning means making healthy meals at home. This can save you from 200% to 600% on food costs over eating out or buying food at convenience stores!

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Planning Balanced Meals

April 26 2011

By MealEasy in Planning Tips

It’s all about variety…

Finding the Balance: The Basics of a Nutritionally-Balanced Week

Planning balanced meals isn’t as hard as you may think. In fact, it’s simple!

Eating a balanced diet isn’t just about keeping thin and being able fit into that new bikini. Far beyond the benefits of looking great are the joys of feeling healthier, happier and able to live for longer.

Not sure how to plan balanced meals? Need help with Healthy Meal Plans or to kick-start planning a balanced diet?

Simple Balanced Meal Planning

The key is to keep things simple. A perfectly balanced meal doesn’t have to be stressful and over-complicated. Here are some tips for balanced meal planning:

  • Start meal planning slowly and make gradual changes over time
  • Prepare a well-balanced meal that you can freeze, for convenience
  • Focus on finding nutritionally balanced foods that you love
  • Get colourful! Include greens as well as brightly coloured foods (natural colours, of course!)
  • Remember that each small change makes a difference
  • Ditch convenience foods and retain control of what you eat by cooking at home

…it only takes 15 minutes to prepare a well-balanced meal!

Over 2000 Balanced Meal Plans!

We’ve made it even easier for you to start planning balanced meals with MealEasy, the premier online meal planner. With over 2000 Balanced Meal Plans created in-house, you can be planning a balanced diet from the second you become a member.

Our system will even compile your grocery list, and take you through preparation – step by step.

Balanced Meal Planning Is The Key To Longer Life!

Get started planning balanced meals. It couldn’t be any easier. After joining you can select the number of servings you’d like to plan for, as well as setting any dietary/allergy food preferences. Balanced meal planning simply requires you to select each day of the week and search for a meal you’d like to prepare (our system will also make a suggestion for you). Your nutritionally balanced grocery list is generated automatically as well as step-by-step preparation and cooking instructions for all balanced meal ideas.

From the first time you experience the power of MealEasy, you’ll agree that balanced meal planning couldn’t be any easier!  Your whole family can look forward to hundreds of balanced meal planning ideas, and restaurant-quality food that can be prepared in your own kitchen.

Get Colourful and Get Creative

The perfectly balanced meal should contain a variety of colours. Here are some suggestions:

  • Go green! Greens are packed with body-strengthening nutrients, including Calcium, Iron and Vitamins A, C, E and K.
  • Can’t see the ‘a-peel’ of fruit? You’ll soon change your mind after tasting a delicious fruit smoothie. Fruits are a major source of antioxidants, fibre and vitamins.
  • Sounds sweet? Of course it does! Incorporating brightly coloured, naturally sweet food into your balanced meal planning will reduce your cravings for artificial sugar and other non-natural sweeteners. You”ll feel less bloated and can say goodbye to the bad-diet mood swings.

We” href=”javascript:smae_decode(‘c3VwcG9ydEBtZWFsZWFzeS5jb20=’);” >Email Online Meal Planning or start your membership today and Sign Up for Our Balanced Meal Planning Program.

MealEasy’s Quick & Easy Meal Plans include delicious

Healthy Meal Alternatives such as;

Eat Healthy And Save

Improve your health and save money! Plan ahead, make heart healthy meals at home and save from 200% to 600% on your food costs over eating out or buying food at convenience stores!

Just one heart healthy meal a month will easily pay for your monthly subscription cost of only $7.95. Live healthy…eat healthy.

Your Satisfaction Is

Take Advantage Of Our 30-Day Free Trial!

We know you’ll love MealEasy. In fact, we’re so confident that the first month is on us! Sign up today and get a free 30-day trial. If you choose to cancel at any point during your first 30 days, your credit card will not be charged. It’s easy as that!

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Chef Paul: Garden Update 2

April 21 2011

By MealEasy in Articles

Our garden is coming along. The tomato plants are a good 8cm tall at this point and the Swiss chard and kale have both sprouted. Some of the tomato plants have been transferred to larger pots. Soon, they will be transported outside to become acclimatized to our damp and cold spring. They’ll spend days outside in the sunshine (we hope) and then be returned to the house or placed in the shed overnight until the weather is warmer.

I spent part of the last weekend building a new cedar container to plant more veggies in. This one is up against our house and should get pretty good sunlight. I plan on adding a trellis to the back so that we can plant vegetables that can climb such as beans or cucumbers.  The space was occupied by our heating oil tank which we’ve since moved inside. It still needs a bit of work. We had planned on repainting the house foundation last summer but ran out of time. That’s kind of a good thing seeing as how now we must scrape and paint where the tank used to be. I’ll do it before we add any soil to the area some none of the soil is contaminated with paint chips.

I built our boxes out of cedar because cedar weathers well and is non toxic. It is not recommended that you build planter boxes out of pressure treated lumber as the chemical used in treating the lumber will leach into the soil. It’s a bit more expensive but looks really good.

By the end of May, we should have our first seedling in the ground.

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Chef Paul: Traveling…

April 19 2011

By MealEasy in Articles

I’ll be taking a much needed vacation later this week to visit friends and family out of province. I’m really looking forward to reconnecting with friends I haven’t seen in a while. I’ve got a few dinners planned; including a meal at a former chef of mine’s new restaurant…we’ll be there for his “trust me” night, which is his tasting menu.

I find the hardest part of traveling is always meal time. You either end up at the mercy of others or eating at restaurants all the time. For part of our trip, we’ll be at my father-in-law’s house which means I’ll be able to cook some meals and my brother-in-law, who’s also a chef will no doubt be cooking as well.

But it’s easy when traveling to forget all about healthy eating, to get out of your routine and not consume enough fruits or vegetables. Breakfast I find is always a bit of a challenge. When you’re staying at friends’ houses you often get up to a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast etc when all you really want is a bowl of oatmeal and a half a grapefruit. It’s also really easy to eat too much fast food when traveling and end up being “bogged down” as I like to call it.

For me, the key is to always try to have as many fruits and vegetables as possible. It keeps the metabolism flowing and gives you the energy needed to be social and on the go. I make it a point of ordering the vegetarian option if I’m going to be out for meals often. I’ll also pack some healthy snacks for the road, like apples and carrot sticks instead of stopping off at the road side coffee joint and buying a donut.

A few years ago, when my wife and I were traveling around France by car, we were sure to hit any market days we could find to purchase fruits and vegetables for lunch…and of course cheese. We stayed mostly in B&Bs and hostels so quite often breakfast was included with our accommodations and dinners were always restaurant meals. Therefore to save money and to keep us “regular” we had light picnic lunches everyday featuring fruits, vegetables, bread and cheese…and wine.

It’s one of the joys of traveling, experiencing a culture’s cuisine and culinary heritage. What better way than by visiting the local market.

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Chef Paul: Going Out

April 14 2011

By MealEasy in Articles

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this week is all about the birthdays at our house. I’ve just finished the “heart shaped chocolate cake with pink icing” and am looking forward to presenting it to my daughter tomorrow.

Tonight, however is about my wife. Her birthday is a mere 4 days before our child’s so to celebrate in an “adult” way, we’ll be going out for dinner. We were hoping to do the whole “date thing” and see a movie as well but the timing just doesn’t work out…so a nice dinner it is.

We love dining out but we rarely do. Once you factor in babysitting (luckily my mother is in town this week to celebrate birthday fest…her’s was 6 days ago!), the cost of a good meal out can run into the $200 to $250 range depending on your bottle of wine. So, being frugal people we tend to only eat out at “fancy” restaurants a couple times a year. Why dine out when you can make a nice meal at home? Dining out is definitely a treat and as such we enjoy our meals at restaurants quite a bit.

We did the math not long ago and found that eating at a restaurant costs about 400 to 600% more than making the equivalent meal at home. Now I know what you’re saying: “not everyone can cook like a fancy restaurant chef”. But it’s not just fine dining meals we’re talking about here. Take the humble lasagna for example. At your “family style” restaurant you would pay somewhere between $9 and $15 depending on side dishes etc. You can easily make the same meal at home for under $2 per portion!

So for us, going out for dinner is and shall remain a once-in-a-while treat. I think it makes it all that much more special.

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