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All Natural?
November 12 2013
You may have noticed this while shopping for groceries. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, the use of the term “All Natural” when describing a prepared food has been dwindling. Why? That’s because lawsuits have been piling up against the food industry giants due to false advertizing.
Food companies want to convince us that their food is healthy. But there are strict regulations as to when the word healthy can be used. However, the word “Natural” has not been defined by the FDA, and so it may be used more loosely. And that’s why many food companies will tell us that their products are “natural”.
But in the last few years, class action lawsuits against companies with not so natural ingredients (GMO, high fructose corn syrup) have led to millions of dollars of fines.
This is yet another example of big food corporations pulling the wool over our eyes. If you want to make sure what you’re eating is “all natural” start by relying less on convenience and processed foods and start by cooking at home using fresh fruits and vegetables.
The 5% cut solution
November 08 2013
The question is not what the government can do for you but what we can do to help ourselves:
• The 5% food stamp cut will affect 23 million households and will be substantial for those in need.
• Obamacare is a divisive issue in the news today and will cost us millions.
But maybe less reliance on government and more reliance on personal food choices are what are called for.
By choosing to prepare home cooked meals made from real ingredients, you can not only save yourself hundreds of dollars a month but save yourself from needing healthcare in the first place. Be proactive with your healthcare and eat healthy nutritious foods and lose the reliance on drugs to make you “feel” better.
The best defense against most disease is a healthy nutritious diet.
Healthcare costs continue to mount as do our grocery bills. Planning your meals ahead of time will save you money, will save you time and will save you stress.
The savings are in the hundreds of dollars a month. Yes, hundreds. And multiply that by twelve and you’ve saved yourself thousands of dollars over a period of one year.
Great news in the world of fats!
November 07 2013
The FDA is moving towards eliminating artificial trans fats, the artery clogging substance that is a major contributor to heart disease in the United States, from the food supply.
The move concluded three decades of battles by public health advocates against artificial trans fats, which occur when liquid oil is treated with hydrogen gas and made solid. The long-lasting fats became popular in frying and baking and in household items like margarine, and were cheaper than animal fat, like butter. But trans fats have been shown over the years to raise the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) and actually decrease the amount of good cholesterol (HDL).
Used primarily today in fast food restaurants as cheap deep fryer oil and in some mass produced baked goods, artificial trans fats will be outlawed. This is something which we at MealEasy have done since the beginning. None of our meals exceed 0.5g of trans fats, be it artificial or naturally occurring. This goes to show that the only way to truly eat healthy is to make your meals at home using fresh, unprocessed ingredients.
What do kids really want to eat?
October 10 2013
We get asked all the time here at MealEasy if we have any “kid friendly meals”. And to be honest, we’re often at a loss on how to answer this question.
What defines a “kid friendly meal”?
- Is it something nutritious?
Then yes we have those. - Is it something quick to prepare?
Yes, we have those meals too. - Is it something straight out of a package or from a fast food joint?
Then NO; those we don’t have.
This awesome video explains how we’ve been coerced into believing that sugar coated cereals and fat laden burgers and fries are what every kid wants. It’s great viewing and may change your mind about what is a “kid friendly meal”.
What You Need to Know About Antioxidants & Free Radicals
September 11 2013
What are Free Radicals and why should I care?
Free radicals are known for terrorizing our body’s immune system. They attack the nearest stable molecule, “stealing” its electron. When the “attacked” molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body’s immune system’s cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Continue reading