Stop when full…

June 21 2011

By MealEasy in Articles

Being a dad has really opened my eyes. Not only do most things I say and do can have an influence on my daughter but many of the things she does have influenced me and my behaviour. This is most apparent when it comes to eating. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I have made a concerted effort to eat slower since watching the Bee take her time eating and savouring her food.

I’ve also noticed that the Bee does another astounding thing when it comes to eating…SHE STOPS WHEN SHE’S FULL!?!

Now, here was a concept that I had truly forgotten. It’s so easy for me to have that second helping; so incredibly hard to say “no” to a slice of cheesecake; almost impossible not to have an after dinner snack (or three). But here she was, at age three doing the unthinkable: “No thanks dad, I don’t want more ice cream”.

Eating the correct amount is essential to maintaining your health. Every individual is different when it comes to the amount of calories consumed and required. Add to that the level of activity and you find that knowing how much you should eat is as important as what you eat. If you want to lose weight, simple: Eat less; Exercise more.

It’s both the easiest concept and almost the hardest to implement, but portion control goes a long way towards promoting optimum health. I know I don’t “need” that 12oz of steak; I know I won’t “starve” without that piece of pie. We all have to learn what’s right for us and try to stick with it. Try doing it gradually; slowly reduce the amount you’re eating and soon the 4oz piece of salmon will be all you need.

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